Social Worker Services

old couple smiling to each other while holding hands and caregiver looking happy for them

Social Work Services are a vital component of our home health care program at West Coast Nursing Ventura, Inc. and we focus on meeting the psychosocial needs of our patients and their families. Our top priority is to improve and/or maintain the functional, social, emotional, and physical health of every patient while strengthening the coping skills of their families and caregivers. Our Team of Medical Social Workers will also provide the needed community resources available to you and your loved ones.

At West Coast Nursing Ventura, Inc., we ensure that the best Medical Social Workers will be there for you and available to assist with financial or emotional needs by offering guidance to the patient and their family. They will also help improve your ability to perform essential daily tasks in a safe and secure home environment.

Social Work Services we provide include, but are not limited to:

  • Liaison with other members of the health care team
  • Therapeutic activities to increase endurance, coordination, and range of motion
  • Management of personal or household affairs
  • Oral Motor Skills assistance
  • Sensory Integration